Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Wake Up Time

We have completed our first week of getting up at 4:30 (did you know that is before the crack of dawn, I didn't know that!). We decided to sleep in today. So, we stayed up late last night. And guess what happened! I woke up at 5 all by myself and couldn't get back to sleep! Went to bed at 12:30 got up at 5. I am going to be tired later today. But so far I have gotten 3 articles written for the challenge that I am attempting to complete.

I am hoping to write 25 articles about deafness and hearing loss (and related issues) and win a contest. Each article is rated by peers and you are given points (or points are taken away) according to where you end up ranked. The person with the highest score at the end of Wednesday earns 75 dollars.

Seventy five dollars would not be worth 25 articles, but it is Helium, so they will earn money forever (in theory). The article will earn a penny here, and one there, and one there.

I have been working adsense for a while now (about three months). I haven't put as much time into growing our website as I would have liked, so the traffic is at about 60 visits a month (which is really pathetic, I have blogs who are a few weeks old with more traffic!) In the three months that I have been working adsense, I have accumulated 1.26. Yep, a whole dollar, one quarter, and one penny. In the week I have been doing Helium, I have made 13 cents. It isn't a lot, but it should add up...

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