Thursday, September 11, 2008

Medical Assistance

Understanding everything that is going on with our bodies and medication is often difficult. Most doctors come in and spend ten to fifteen minutes with us, sorta explain things, and then move on to the next patient. With that in mind, having something to help us understand is always a good thing. Epocrates Online is just that second resource. Here it will help you understand your diagnosis, your medication, and even help you to check and make sure that none of the medications you are on are going to interact with one another. For example, if you have recently been prescribed Bactrim you can get on and check to make sure the other medications you are taking aren't going to react with it, as well as a little more information about the drug and what it is general used for. Epocrates Online isn't meant to replace your doctor, but it is helpful in giving you a better understanding of what is going on with you and your life. This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.

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