Saturday, August 1, 2009

July, Money

July was an interesting month. Toward the end I decided to try a lot of things differently. However, I did make some money for the month.

Helium- My Helium went fairly well considering how it has been going. I have over 900 articles there and haven't been real pleased with the month coming in from them. Since Helium moved to an upfront and passive pay system my passive pay has definitely gone down.

I made $90.77 there passively and $12 there actively (upfront payments and empty title bonuses).

eHow- My eHow has been running about $18 a month, however I wrote a few more articles and did a little promoting. This month my eHow total is $32.95!

Google Adsense- I have a few different sites that pay me with Google Adsense. These include (which I no longer write for, but make a fair amount of money with). July I made $70.33.

I also make money with Google Adsense on my Hubpages account. For July that was $50.12.

New on my scene is Info Barrel. My Google Adsense for the month made $6.08. I also made $0.42 with Xomba (which I haven't written much for and haven't written for in a long time).

Associated Content made me $4.78. I haven't written there in ages, but bring in $4-6 a month in passive income.

I also made $21.72 on And $0.13 on (both programs I joined a few days ago).

For Hubpages I also made money on Amazon Associates ($0.72) and on Kontera ($2.35).

And on PayPerPost I made $5.50.

Finally I made $0.77 on (a site I haven't written for in over a year).

Grand Total? $293.19!

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