Thursday, August 13, 2009

Not So Boring

Lately my life hasn't seemed so boring. In fact, it has seemed rather crazy! I have had several jobs from Elance and Rent-a-Coder. This on its own could have kept me busy mixed with my goals on building a passive income. Then we have the kids a three year old and an almost three month old. They too keep me on my toes. Top that off with a move and you have one busy momma who isn't getting enough sleep and who doesn't seem to have a boring life.

Plus we are going on a camping trip this weekend even though I feel like we shouldn't. I talked with the friends we are going with and was going to cancel, but she is really sick right now and looking forward to I just didn't have the heart to back out on her. All in all, I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off!

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