Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What a Week

It's only two days in (and we are talking barely in on Tuesday at the time of this writing) and it has been quite the week. I joined Elance on Saturday and got a job on Sunday. This was a rewrite job and I thought it would be easy. I rewrote the first four articles only to find that they weren't written unique enough. The articles were an average of 54% unique and needed to be 75% unique. So, yesterday I spent the day trying to get the articles to 75% unique. The six articles are on candle making. When I compared the first article on candle molds with the fourth article on making gel candles they were only 70.2% different and they were on different topics!

All in all, it doesn't seem like it is possible. I have worked the first article over and over and over again and got it to 74% different. However, the quality of the article has really suffered. It is an article about candle molds and I have had to remove the word mold as many times while still trying to keep the integrity of the article. It just isn't going well :(.

I e-mailed him and am now waiting for a reply to see what he thinks. But I must say, I think that 75% isn't a good idea (especially since his articles aren't even that different from one another and they are on different subjects!). I am thinking 65% is a much better goal.

My concern comes down to the fact that I bit off more then I can chew and I really don't want it to kill my chances of making money with Elance! So...not sure how it will work out...but it has me pretty stressed! :-P

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