Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Last Night

Last night I was having a hard time sleeping and as such I was sitting at the computer working at 12:30 am. A knock came at the door and freaked me out. At first all I could think of was that there was an emergency with Peter's parents or his siblings. After all, it was late and why was some one knocking on the door. I rushed up to the door and looked through the peep whole where I couldn't see anything. I went to the bedroom and woke Peter up just before the mystery person at the door started knocking near our bedroom slider (which goes out to our closed in patio, he was reaching over to knock on the bedroom wall).

Peter got up and threw some shorts on and greeted a man at the door. This man was knocking on our door (and would have been waking us up had I not already been awake) because he had supposedly locked his keys in his car and he wanted to know if we had anything that would let him break into his car and get his keys. I feel bad if that's what happened, but he shouldn't have been coming around knocking on random doors at 12:30 in the morning. Plus, what if it wasn't his car?

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