Friday, June 6, 2008

Life or Something Like It

There are a lot of things going on lately, though they all point back to one thing. I am working hard to make money online. After all we are now saving money for a house and still working toward a future where we work for ourselves. This has kept me up working with the hopes that I can come up with something that moves me from making $300 to more then that a month. I think I have finally gotten to the point where I can easily make at least $300 a month, but more then that gets trickier. Hopefully I will see a boost by the end of this month...

I loved the month that I made $720, but that was a different issue. The reward-athon was going on so a portion of that money came from my guaranteed $3 an article. Now I am not making anything that secure, so it is a little harder!

Well, I am trying Squidoo again...I would be very happy if you might want to visit some of my lenses there...

Make Awesome Necklaces Quickly and Easily

or others at my profile.

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