Monday, July 30, 2007

Boring and Dull

There are some people who are called to great things. These are the people who know the truth (at least according to Steve Pavlina) and who wish to follow a different path. One that doesn't require a lifelong commitment to The Man. There are some who love their jobs and are happy to go to work (at least most days). However that isn't a very large part of the population and that isn't my dream, nor is it my husbands.

We have a hope and a dream of something bigger and better and at home. We both wish to make money from writing, both with our online work and with books (though different in nature), we also wish to sell the items that we create. I feel that these are worthy goals and with time Peter's day job will not be necessary for our survival.

The problem is from here to there. How do we get to needed x amount of money and aren't making it with anything but the day job to having more money then what we have to have to survive, but rather enough to thrive. Success is something that can happen (blog about success)...but when?

So, Peter is job hunting to satisfy the need of the hour and I am working on my blog series to begin the future of tomorrow.

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