Friday, January 18, 2008

Webmasters on

I joined awhile back now and have enjoyed using it immensely. Spock is a great people search. They have an ever growing list of people. They include things that they find out about them, where you can get their information online, and even more things. It can be used to search everyday people such as myself, and even more famous people.

I once checked out Harry Houdini for the fun of it. Because it can be a lot of fun. Members can add things to the base of information found there. So, if you know something you can add it. For Harry Houdini I knew that he was from Appleton, Wisconsin. I added it.

Of course that isn't what today is about. Today is about finding a webmaster. You can search the term webmaster and get a huge list. Of course I wanted something a little closer to home. I first searched Midland, Texas webmaster. There was no one here that was listed as a webmaster. Still I pressed on and searched Texas webmaster. I came up with a sizable list of 212 choices.

Spock really lets you find whatever you are looking for. I now have a large list of webmasters who aren't that far from me that I can get a hold of to find out more information about what they can do and if they can help me. Of course, it might not work that way, since I suppose that I could list myself as a webmaster. After all, I do work on the web a lot and have a few websites. I don't know if that makes me a "master" or not, but I suppose if I wanted to be!

So whether you are looking for a webmaster or your buddy Jim, Spock is a great place to go. You can go there for a serious people search or just to have a little fun. Just be warned, it is so much fun it is addicting!


Anonymous said...

Well, could you tell me why it's down and won't even open?

Falon and Aiden said...

Nope, I just fool around there. I don't know when it is up and when it is down. It has only been down one time while I was there. My biggest guess (and this is just a guess mind you) that the server is over loaded. If you come back again later it will probably be up.