Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I Hope Your Holidays Were Good Ones...

My holidays were great. I haven't blogged since the 20th of December, which isn't good for my blogging, but it was good for me. Now I am back and hoping your holidays were as good as mine. I didn't get a ton of gifts. Actually I got a beautiful butterfly necklace from my husband, a $50 from his grandpa and a $5 from his grandma (on different sides of his family), and a $10 gift card to Hobby Lobby. All in all it wasn't a huge Christmas, but it was a good one. I had fun shopping and actually went to Goodwill and found a lot of clothes on sale. I love finding good things and paying a dollar for them.

Additionally my son got a lot of toys. This was wonderful. His toy selection isn't that large and this helped out a lot. It made it so that there are lots of play options and has kept him busy for a few days. I love when he's busy. It makes things easier for me!

Well, while I haven't been blogging I have been doing other things. I have been writing articles. Last month I made about 211.70, which wasn't as good as November with 311.54, but it was nice. Hopefully this month I make even more then that! Time will tell...

1 comment:

Shaking Hands Art with Fralins and Friends said...

Wow it sounds like you are doing great. I just dropped in from your link to say hey. I'm glad you enjoyed your Christmas.