Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It seems that every couple of months I just have a hard time working. I don't want to blog, or to write articles or to spend hours on the internet trying to make a living. I did horrible in October. I just didn't put much work into trying to make a living. But I did great in November and then again in December. Now January is here and I am struggling.

I am having a hard time blogging, staying focused and working through the difficult patches that keep popping up. But I guess that is what working for oneself is all about. It isn't easy to work through these hard patches, but it is important.

I am trying to work for Helium a lot right now. They are having a reward-athon and you could make up to three dollars an article for writing. Plus you get the regular rewards of page views, and building a passive income. So, now I am working hard there. I wanted to have a thousand articles done in the three months, but it just doesn't look like I will make it. So, now I am hoping for five hundred, which might be more reasonable.

Anyway, that's what I am mostly doing right now. Working hard trying to make a living.

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