Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Home Medical

There are a lot of different sites out there offering a lot of different things in the medical field, but finding a good site for all of your needs, not so easy. AllegroMedical is one site that is definitely worth visiting. Here you will find a lot of great information about products, home health, blogs about health care products, and of course the health care products that can make a difference in your life. It is important that you are getting your home medical products and information from a site that is trustworthy. Of course, with a site that has been around since 1998 complete with a free e-catalog that will share all their specials with you, you can find the perfect place for all your home medical needs.

Thank you for tuning in, this has been a sponsored post from the best site to get home medical products and information!

Clean House

My house is rather messy. I can't seem to find the time and discipline to get it as clean as I would like while working, watching Marcus, and loving and playing with him as well. So, in a stroke of pure genius (I hope), I have a few people coming over today. My paid help is that of my brothers and sisters (in laws). I am not sure how many are coming, but at least three of them and possibly more. This should help with a great day. I am hoping to get as much as I normally get done, plus get some cleaning and laundry done. We shall see how it actually goes, since I am not very good at instructing a crew, so we will see how it goes. Well, they are here now! Oh my, here we go.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summary of Life

Well a three day weekend was wonderful. It was a great vacation and my mom (who has lived with us over a year) is in Florida. This means that this was the first weekend that we have had in our apartment without my mom! It was wonderful. Better news came today. My mom is moving to Florida and has gotten an apartment there. This means that sometime in the next several months she will be moving. Plus we have decided to buy a house come December (which means I need to be working harder and more so that I can afford my share of the down payment). Then the plan is to pay extra and have the house paid off just shortly after my husband quits his job. We still hope this can happen by July of 2011, however, it must be said that things aren't going quite as fast as I had hoped. Well, off to finish up the day!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


My grandma was/is a collector. When I was a kid I was always amazed by the number of collections that she had that filled all three of the upstairs bedrooms in her house as well as almost every corner and many glass cases throughout her house. These were her investments. Some of them she did well with, others she didn't do so well with. My brother and I would talk about what we would be willing to collect that would be worth it. The answer was simple: precious metals. There is a huge market out there for gold, silver, and other precious metals. These are fantastic things to collect. You just need to find a good place to buy them so that you are sure of what you are getting. Some place like Monex Deposit Company where you can purchase a wide range of precious metal items such as coins and bullion. Buying a gold coin can be an exciting investment. Of course, silver might be a better option having increased its value significantly since the 90's. Maybe some day this collection will be a dream come true and gold and silver will be what I collect (though after watching A Simple Twist of Fate I would keep it in a bank!).

Page Rank

This blog doesn't have a page rank, however some of my other blogs do. It is exciting to see that tiny one on the page rank checker. This means I have been making more money with them and PayPerPost as well. On the other hand, only one of my blogs that has a page rank of one is on PayPerPost which means that lately I have been overloading it with sponsored posts. I would like to keep all the blogs at a certain ratio. Some are easier to keep at that level because they don't get many sponsored post offers. Others, well it is harder. So, the goals for the next coming months (three) is to get all the blogs on PayPerPost and with a page rank of one or higher. This might not be possible, but this is the goal. I don't know if this one and 1001 Things I Hate will be ones that I can get up in page rank, but the others I should be able to do so with. ranks, come to me!

Life, Or Something Like It

Wow, the past few days have me feeling like I am in a blur. I must admit that I have been having a grand old time. We have decided that we are buying a house in February. This means that we must save a lot of money between now and then so that we can afford to do what we want to do! However, it is rather exciting.

Other then that, I am working hard on blogging which can be rather frustrating at time, but exciting as well. I wish I was making more, but time will bring that about I am sure. I love the fact that I am growing my empire to something worth talking about.

I do need to work harder though. Get farther and make more money so that we can move faster and get a few things we need. We are still going on vacation at the end of August/beginning of September. It will be $1000 vacation and we need to buy a camera before we go so we can take millions of pictures.

Anyway, can you tell that I am feeling like I didn't get enough sleep? It is seven thirty five on a Saturday morning and I am wishing that Marcus would have slept in. But he didn't. So we are watching a movie and I am getting the few things I had to do this weekend done. My husband is still sleeping. Man do I wish I was as lucky as him. He went to bed earlier and is still in bed...That's the weekend life!

Anyway...I am off for now. Sorry for the rambling.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Your Credit Options

I get lots of credit card offers in the mail. Sometimes I think that I will take the offer and use the credit card. After all, I could use another one. However, it is all so confusing. Am I getting the best deal for my credit? Is there something better out there? The answer is, probably. If you are looking at getting another credit card then it is a good idea that you do your research. Researching your options will give you wide range of opportunities and will let you choose the best options that meet your needs and give you the most! After all, it should be about you and not the credit card company. Your Credit Options will give you just that information. You can do side by side comparisons of credit card offers and make money that way.

It goes beyond that though. They will even give you the best options for specific needs. Maybe you are looking for 0% interest on balance transfers. You can compare credit cards that offer that as a service, side by side. It really can be just that simple.

Of course, whatever your needs are the great thing about Your Credit Options is that it is easy to understand, easy to use, and easy to get the most out of it. This has been a sponsored post from a site that will be a great resource if and when you are looking for an additional credit card (or hoping to get rid of an old one for a new and better one).


I was using a microblog on YouSayToo and enjoying it. That got me wondering if I would enjoy writing in a microblog in general. Plus with a microblog on another site I could use it to put out links to my various articles and blogs just to see what the cat dragged in type of response. I love it. I started just the other day and only use it every now and again. My goal is to keep it up so that as I do new things I can post them. I now have two followers and that is just exciting to me. Actually knowing that I have people who are enjoying my stuff is really exciting in general.

Hubpages allows you to follow people's works by joining their "fan club". This means that right now I have 62 fans. ehow has friends that follow your works. I now have three real friends and then the one that everyone is given to start out with. Associated Content has the possibility for you to be "favored" and for you to have subscribers. I have been favored by one and I also have one subscriber. All of these things are exciting.

Well, Marcus has informed me he is ready for lunch. I will be back in a few.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Heat and Life

We decided we aren't running the air conditioner this year because it cost us about $150 a month in addition to what we pay to not run the air. With those expenses running from May to October, it just didn't seem like a good thing. Today will be the day that we find out how easy it is for us to make it. It is supposed to be 100 degrees. Right now it is 68 degrees, but come two or will be hot. We bought several fans and spent the night pulling in cooler air. I have now shut the windows and it is about seventy degrees in the apartment. All the blinds are closed and ready for a sunny and hot day. Today's plan is to blog, then write during nap time. After nap time I want to clean on the house and then go to the pool. I brought my in laws vans so that my husbands brothers and sisters can come for a dip if they get hot this afternoon (their parents are in Dallas). We will find out if it comes to that.

If I can pull off all of my plans, it would have been the first time in ages that I have done just that. Hopefully it will all work out well.

Friday, May 16, 2008


As a blogger, I must say I suck. I think this is from years of bad habits and only a few good ones. The problem isn't that I can't write. The problem isn't that I am not full of great ideas. The problem is I am horrible at scheduling time to make it happen. I am horrible at setting goals and sticking with them. I am terrible at being dedicated to what I am doing. Sure I keep on working and trying to make it all work. But for the most part, my efforts are scattered all over the net.

I am making a fair amount of money now and more then many ever hope of actually making. It isn't enough for what we want to do, but it is a good start. However, I am not sure how to make it all work. I need a plan of action that is actually going to take me from where I am today to where I want to be in 2011. I need a plan of action that is going to give me a functioning schedule that I can work and can stick to.

In truth I need to get some good habits going and I need to become much more disciplined (something I have said for a long time, but never really done anything about). Over there years bad habits have developed with few too many good habits. This is why my kitchen is a disaster and the laundry isn't done. Sure I am busy and taking care of my son while trying to make a new business work. But that doesn't change the fact that I haven't got a schedule that works. I haven't got the discipline needed to blog, write, take care of my son, work on preschool activities, and take care of my house. I know that I really need to find it in order to make all my dreams come true, but am a little short as to how to do that.

How does a person lacking discipline, direction, perseverance, and energy make it all work? I have always been known for procrastination and flying by the seat of my pants. Not things like organization and preparedness. I must make it all work, or it will fall apart around me and that certainly won't work.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


You could buy your next watch from some department store for five to ten dollars. It will be moderately attractive and it will function, at least for the time being. However, it won't be something of excellence. Things of excellence cost more then ten dollars, are beautiful and breath taking, and will last long enough for you to pass it to your son or daughter and them to pass it on to their own son or daughter. Watches are the same way. Watches of excellence are those that take your breath away and are made with you, your children, and your grandchildren in mind. A great timepiece is really more then a watch. Jerome DeWitt has brought more then just watches to the men and women that have purchased his time pieces. They are something to consider and all together lovely. Owning a dewitt watch is more then just owning a watch. It is owning an heirloom, a masterpiece, and a watch that is crafted with quality, intrigue, and beauty in mind while presenting something unique and special. These watches follow the traditions of watchmakers from years gone by, all while striving to bring something new and fresh to the table. If you are looking for something more, something deeper, something inline with the masters of watchmaking in a history deep in the most beautiful of traditions verses the cheap imitation you can get at the store then a DeWitt watch is something to be considered.

Thanks for tuning in, this has been a sponsored post. None the less, these watches are some of the most beautiful watches I have ever seen!

Making Money

While I have been working hard for quite some time to make money I have seen a very large change in where I make money from in the past several months. In the month of November I made most of my money from sponsored posts. However, the beginning of the year brought a significant drop in the number of sponsored posts I was offered or qualified for. The beginning of this year brought most of my money coming from the Helium Reward-athon (which is sadly over, but I made 1440 from). Last month I didn't make much because I was sick and took two weeks off. None the less most of my money came from writing on various sites. This month is still going pretty well for the writing, but it is also going very well for the sponsored posts. I made $10 yesterday on PayPerPost and $26 from Sponsored Reviews (so far today). Plus I have a PayPerPost job of $7 and a Blogitive job of $5 to complete today. I feel like the riches are pouring in. Plus I am working on a writing contest that I could win $75 from and I am still making a nice amount passively from the articles I have written. Hopefully all will work out for a nice sized earning this month. I am hoping for five hundred, but that might be more then even I can pull off!

Some Thoughts

I have a handful of thoughts floating around my head lately. I have been spending a lot of time thinking about the life that I want to have an how to get there. It seems that there is a lot of work between here, where we are today, and where we would like to be in ten years. We talked a little about it this past weekend. We would like a house of our own in ten years. We want Peter to be working from home with me. We would each like to have a book written though it would be a plus if those books were also published. We would like to have a lot of great things going on including having crafts to take to craft markets and making money off of our writing and off of our crafts.

Marcus is sick today. He was yesterday as well. It makes it hard since he is hot and fussy as well, but I am just not sure what to do other then try and keep him comfy. Hopefully today goes a little better then yesterday since I have a lot I would like to get done today. I am hoping to win at least one Helium writing contest this month and that takes time. This isn't usually a problem, but when not feeling well, wanting to be held by mommy is fairly common. He is such a sweet heart though, and I love him so much. (Even last night when I found that I had forgotten to drain his bath water and he had thrown his shoes, my flip flops, and a roll of toilet paper into the bath tub!)

Credit Card Offers

It seems that I regularly find credit card offers in the mail. In fact, they seem to be pouring in these days. Many of these offers are rather complex to understand and they have a lot of small print to read through. I just don't have the time for all of that. I could use another credit card to work with because this day and age credit and plastic money is so much easier to work with then the real deal. However, figuring out which card is for me, is so difficult. With a little help, it doesn't have to be so difficult though. In fact, it can be really easy. Credit Card Analyzer will even tell you what the Best Visa credit card deal is. But they don't stop there. You can shop for a credit card by the best of deal and even by your credit history. Credit Card Analyzer then lays out the most important facts side by side so you can choose the card that is best for you. You can then apply right there online. It is fast and easy. It is all simple, easy to understand, and you know you are not only getting a "good deal" according to the credit card company, but also in comparison with other cards and offers. Life is complicated enough, making these decisions easier to make can relieve some pressure and stress.

This has been a sponsored review, however if you are thinking about getting a credit card or another credit card (no matter what your credit history is like), then this is the site for you to check out. It is just easier!


I was really sick this past April. In fact, I passed a kidney stone and had a horrible Urinary Track Infection. Then the antibiotics made me feel like I was going to die. Okay, maybe not quite that bad. However, I neglected my writing and still hadn't gotten on getting back to blogging. With that in mind, here I begin. This month is one where I am hoping to start catching back up with my goals and coming up with a schedule to work by.

I also got a bike and am excited about working with that. We got a baby seat so that I can take Marcus with me where ever I decide to go. This town isn't the best for biking, but there is a neighborhood near by that isn't bad for riding in and I have mapped out a route to Marcus' grandparents which is about two miles away. What I didn't realize was just how bad of shape I am in. But we should be able to fix that.

I have also been walking more and am looking forward to getting back to the "duck pond" so that I can see if the geese had their babies. They were sitting on a nest last we were there. It is something I am rather excited about.

Well, I have a lot to do today, but I thought this was a great place to start.