Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I was really sick this past April. In fact, I passed a kidney stone and had a horrible Urinary Track Infection. Then the antibiotics made me feel like I was going to die. Okay, maybe not quite that bad. However, I neglected my writing and still hadn't gotten on getting back to blogging. With that in mind, here I begin. This month is one where I am hoping to start catching back up with my goals and coming up with a schedule to work by.

I also got a bike and am excited about working with that. We got a baby seat so that I can take Marcus with me where ever I decide to go. This town isn't the best for biking, but there is a neighborhood near by that isn't bad for riding in and I have mapped out a route to Marcus' grandparents which is about two miles away. What I didn't realize was just how bad of shape I am in. But we should be able to fix that.

I have also been walking more and am looking forward to getting back to the "duck pond" so that I can see if the geese had their babies. They were sitting on a nest last we were there. It is something I am rather excited about.

Well, I have a lot to do today, but I thought this was a great place to start.

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