Saturday, May 24, 2008

Page Rank

This blog doesn't have a page rank, however some of my other blogs do. It is exciting to see that tiny one on the page rank checker. This means I have been making more money with them and PayPerPost as well. On the other hand, only one of my blogs that has a page rank of one is on PayPerPost which means that lately I have been overloading it with sponsored posts. I would like to keep all the blogs at a certain ratio. Some are easier to keep at that level because they don't get many sponsored post offers. Others, well it is harder. So, the goals for the next coming months (three) is to get all the blogs on PayPerPost and with a page rank of one or higher. This might not be possible, but this is the goal. I don't know if this one and 1001 Things I Hate will be ones that I can get up in page rank, but the others I should be able to do so with. ranks, come to me!

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