Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Life or Something Like It

Life is a crazy thing. Each time I think I have it all together, it comes back to bite me in the...

Well, maybe not, but I really am one of those unorganized people that need to get it together in order to proceed into the land of prosperity. After all, I have sleeping, cleaning, cooking, playing with the baby, writing, web mastering, and all of this to go under my belt. It all seems like so much, but who can tell? For someone who isn't organized and who has a tendency to be a "bad" housewife (don't know why, but I would rather play with Marcus then do the dishes!), I have to say, it feels overwhelming.

I have felt like I need more sleep, which has been taking over my schedule plans. This means I haven't been posting here, getting very many PayPerPosts, making very much jewelry or other craft items or the whole nine yards. I have so much I would like to accomplish, but I have to get organized in order for it to work.

I think I need to find an exercise regimen that increases my energy level. We have been talking about adding multivitamins as well, and that might help. Being overweight has really paid it's toll on this one I think.

Well this is life, or something like it anyway...

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