Wednesday, October 17, 2007

When You Want

When you want to do everything in the world that there is to do, it is hard to figure out where to begin. This is true with jewelry and other craft supplies. I enjoy making so many different things that where do I begin for my next batch of supplies? I spent 130 at the beginning of the month, and am busy making a wide variety of fun things. I want to use up a large portion of supplies before getting more. But I keep thinking about what to buy next and where to buy it and it is driving me crazy! Completely crazy. There are so many things I want to do and to work on doing and so many supplies, tools, and such out there. I just really don't know where to begin!

I suppose it doesn't matter, I have plenty to do for the time being and with that plenty to do I should get to work.

I have a few goals. I need to figure out how to accomplish all of them.

This is the idea:

Each week I want to...

Post six or more times on each of the following sites:
-1001 Things I Hate About Living With My Mom
-The Boring Recount of My Dull Life
-Zero 2 Six
-The Mommy 'n' Baby Page
-The Artisan Newstand
-The Large and Small
-A Little of Everything that Matters
-The Phat Diaries

I want to write 10 or more articles for Helium.
I want to post 3 or more times a week on MySpace.
I want to post 12 or more items in our Etsy store.
I want to make 6 or more new craft items (at this rate we will eventually have to lower the number of items posted each week.

Additionally I need to work with Falon of the Tower as I get the chance and as my husband gets some more writing done. That site needs major formating and I am still waiting on him to be able to do it.

The goal will be to continue making money with AdSense, Helium, and PayPerPost (and hopefully Etsy sooner rather then later!).

This however is a lot of work, while I continue to be a mom to a 15 month old, a wife, and a daughter (with mom living in the home). I have a huge habit of going out to eat and have been spending way way too much money doing so (I hate cooking), so with this thought in mind I want to limit going out to eat to once a week and Sunday breakfast. Which means I will be cooking more.

All of this should start next week, hopefully the websites will be formated and all I have to do is fly into the wind!

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