Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sleeping In

I certainly have a love of sleeping in. In fact if it was possible I would sleep late into the day and stay up late into the night. I am just one of those people. But that is rarely possible. Marcus usually gets me up at eight or eight thirty, plus there is that hour I am awake from four thirty to five thirty. Anyway, it used to be that once a week or so he would mysteriously sleep in. I wouldn't know it till I had woken up to find it later then eightish. Well I have been asking him to do that for awhile, and he (like all good fifteen month olds) has been ignoring my requests. He would probably have slept in on Sunday, but we forced him to get up. Well, today I awoke (after I had spent the hour up with my hubby) to the sound of the hedge trimmer person. I scrunched up my face and rolled over to discover that it was ten fifteen! I had slept in, and enjoyed it so.

I hope you have a great day as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't love to sleep?Except that you gain back your energy when you sleep you also forget your problems in life for a while when you're sleeping.