Friday, November 2, 2007

The Art of Fine

Drinks! I wasn't an early drinker, which of course is a good thing and quite impressive since I went to a party college. But no, I waited. However, once I tasted a fine drink, I wanted to learn more. I bought little drink cheat sheets so that I could try mixing my own drinks. So, far I have enjoyed a decent amount of good drinks and a few I could have lived without. But there is nothing like a great website to make the mixed drink world come alive. Well when it comes to mixed drinks AbsolutDrinks is the place to go. Their website offers a lot including, recipes, a place where you can mix your own drink and put it in your drink book, information about drinks, forums, and so much more. I visited this website a few times in college, but well checking it out for your I found so much more then there was before (Absolut is growing it's website very nicely). Now you can find drinks by alcohol choice (gin drinks, rum drinks, and so forth), by color (I have a fancy for a blue drink), and even by type (pre-dinner, after-dinner). Here's my drink of the day, The Booty Shaker. Not sure if that's something to get you up and moving, or something so bad it causes you to wiggle in your seat, but it is pretty none the less.

This has been a sponsored post with Absolut Drinks, if you are over 21 and enjoy a good drink, check it out, you won't be disappointed! Thanks for your visit and have a great day!

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