Backgammon is one of those games that came in our family fun pack when I was a kid. You know the wooden boards and all the pieces for five or seven or ten games all packed into one little tin? Well, needless to say, I never did understand how to play Backgammon. However, after checking out I must say it is definitely something that could be a lot of fun.
Here they give you all the information you need to know: rules, strategy, variations, and even great tips on making money with it. Of course, we all want to make money, and what better way to do it then by learning to play games for money? No, this isn't a get rich quick scheme, you would have to learn to become a good Backgammon player. But in the mean time you could have a lot of fun playing Backgammon.
Learn everything you can about Backgammon right here on This site is so thorough that it includes history and news reports of things happening in the Backgammon playing world. They also provide free software and a bonus five dollars if you decide to play Backgammon for money! is dedicated to Backgammon and those who love the game (or will love the game, reading some of these articles definitely makes you feel like it is a very easy game to love!). They are adding new articles and topics regularly, and have an amazing selection already. If it is related to Backgammon then you can find out about it here.
If you already play Backgammon online, this site is sure to help. If you have never played Backgammon, then you should stop by and check it out. I surely enjoyed it!
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