Friday, November 2, 2007

Awake and Ready to Roll

Okay, it is five twelve in the morning and I am awake and ready to roll. Or at least sorta awake. :-P. I have to get more jewelry listed on Etsy this morning and we didn't get my hubby's lunch ready last night so, I was up helping him do that. Then I sat down and there are some PayPerPost opportunities I can take. So, it looks like it is a good idea to get rolling, make some money, prepare for tomorrows showcase (Etsy) which will hopefully help us sell some things! Of course, it is chilly in here (I won't turn the heat on while we can still live at this temperature), and I want to crawl back into bed. I love my bed. Did I ever tell you the story?

We left everything behind in Wisconsin when we moved to Texas. We shipped down those things we had to have that fit in a box. My mom shipped the most items. I tried really hard not to ship very many things. Well, that meant that the first few weeks (six of them actually) we slept on a blow up bed. It worked out fine. But even though it was a nice one, by the end of the first month I was tired of sleeping on it. Top it all off, it sprung a leak and even after fixing it, it seemed to slowly but surely loose air. Well, six weeks after moving to Texas I found a mattress warehouse. They make their own mattresses and sell them for really cheap. We bought a mattress set. Then I got on eBay and bought a bed frame. Now we have a great bed. The kind of bed that makes it hard to get out of in the morning because it calls your name. The kind that makes you want to laze around all day long. I think I had better stop talking about it now, since it is just a few feet away begging me to crawl back between the warm sheets.

Good Morning to all!

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