The Boring Recount of My Dull Life, is just that...the Boring Recount of My Dull Life. Some of it is at least a little interesting, I guess...
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Pain Pain Go Away
Freeze It Gel is the kind of product that all those with sports injuries just gotta love. After all it is a product that eases pain and makes it go away. I don't have a sports injury. I don't have some great tale of how I hurt my knee or back or any such glorious adventure. About five years ago now I was in a car accident. I still don't remember that day, I don't remember how I pulled out in front of a truck who hit me square on, just in front of the drivers side door. I don't remember riding in the ambulance, or being at the hospital. But there is one thing about that day that I can never forget. I hurt my neck. The physical therapist I saw for it said that I compressed the top few vertebrae. The ones in your neck, but almost in your head. Whatever that means I can't be certain, one thing I do know, however, is that it hurts regularly. You see, the little guy in the picture is now sixteen months and he likes to make momma work hard chasing after him. This coupled with hours at the computer doing the work I love means my neck hurts a lot. Freeze It Gel could be the answer for me! With that thought in mind, winning a supply of Freeze It Gel would make life a lot better for me!
Freeze It Gel isn't just for me, or for those with sports injuries. It is good for any sore muscles and or sprains, back, shoulder, and neck pain, arthritis, painful joints, or muscle strains. In fact the more I read about it, the more I think we should all have some. After all I can remember helping people move and having someone on the moving crew with a strained muscle, and with a sprained ankle. We all over due it sometimes and Freeze It Gel could help us all out!
Plus Freeze It comes in a roll on variety for hands free application, or a gel for massaging it in. I know that I would love the options. After all sometimes getting icky gel all over isn't worth it, but rolling it on would be great. You could also take a roll on with you everywhere you go. And you can buy it right here online and have it shipped to your door. If you buy multiples you can save money with free shipping! Nothing can get better then that!
Thank you for reading my story, and stopping by. Have a great day and of course stop by and get your Freeze It Gel or roll on today. I know that I will be there after my next pay day!
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