Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What Makes a Good Blog?

I am certainly not claiming that this is a good blog. This is rather my first blog, the one where I was experiementing to see how it worked, how it turned out and all of that! It has much more traffic then I ever expected and it is that reason that I remain excited about it. It is a fun and easy blog to maintain. After all the things that I write about here are just what I want to write about and not actually things I need to study or things I need to work hard to write about. It just comes from the brain and down into the hands and out through my fingers, which like to type speedy (data entry history and a love of chatting has made that possible).

Anyway. I have been studying blogs and some of them are horrible (mine may or may not fall into that category). Then I was thinking that a lot of it had to do with preference. After all someone may hate this entry. They may feel like they wasted their time reading. They may walk away thinking, "That blog sucks, I am never going there again." That will be then end of it, after all what does it really matter. Another person may come along and read this entry or the one after it, it really doesn't matter, and they may be like, "Wow, she is fun to read!" and then they may come back next week, or the week after, or in two months. Or never, for that matter, and it won't really matter.

But the quality of blogs does differ. In some cases it takes years to get enough backlinks to get a decent page rank. Though if they post often, and they post long enough they will indeed get that page rank. Ah, just some musings of a crazy young fool.

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