Thursday, November 15, 2007


My sleep patterns have gotten extremely crazy. I don't know how I have done it, but I am all messed up. Worse, I don't know how to sleep better then what I am right now. Here is how it is working. I go to sleep between 12am and 1:30am. I wake up at 4:30am with the alarm clock signaling it time for my husband to wake up. I work till 7am or 7:30am. I lay back down and get up with the baby between 8:30 and 9:30. By nap time I am tired (that's a shocker!). So, I lay down, usually 30 minutes into the baby's nap and sleep from an hour to two and a half hours (depending on how tired he is). Then that night I lay down at ten or ten thirty with my husband and try to sleep, abandoning hope at around eleven or eleven thirty and get up to do something while I am still awake. Then I go to bed around 12am and 1:30am.

I figured the nap was killing me. So, I stayed up a few days and did other things through the nap, even though I felt tired, and yet I sill couldn't go to bed at bed time. I was still up till one am!

The other issue is that I am ready for a nap around six. I work through it (usually while making dinner) and then I am no longer tired.

It seems as if I have gotten on some weird polyphasic sleeping schedule. I am one who normally gets a lot of sleep to feel really good. Around 10-11 hours. I think it is just natural. Though there are many who claim that that can't be possible and I would do better with 8-9. It has always seemed possible and I have always seemed to need more...With the schedule I do well on 5-9.5 hours, which is less then I would normally feel good on. Plus, most days it is about seven hours of sleep (just spread out a little).

If I work hard during the times I am awake and everyone else is asleep (like right now), I get a ton of things done!

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