Monday, November 5, 2007

Tired, but Just Keep Swimming

Well, I don't know why I keep doing this, but it is very true. First of all, last night I couldn't sleep. It was odd, for while we had slept in (we got up at 9:15 which would have been about 10:15 for our bodies), I didn't take a nap. So, I should have been able to go to bed at 11 when it was time. But I couldn't. So, I got up and worked on a few things till about one thirty in the morning. Then I went to bed and slept great. Till the alarm clock rang (man I hate that thing) at four thirty. Got up, got a few things done, worked on some business stuff, and laid down only to have Marcus wake me up. I laid down at seven and he got up at seven twenty seven. So, needless to say, after a whole three hours and twenty seven minutes of sleep, I am tired.

But...Just Keep Swimming. Just Keep Swimming...

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